MRG People takes on the world

Here at MRG, we are committed to our global expansion. In a recent publication, Cisco listed globalization as the top mega trend for 2020. “Because of globalization and digital transformation, today’s organisations are dependent on an increasingly complex web of technologies, systems, processes, supply chains and infrastructure.”

Anyone starting a business overseas will know that it is tricky at the best of times, wherever you are in the world. When global US giant Starbucks branched out into the Australian market, it was taken for granted that the business would flourish given their incredible success in the US and UK, given the cultural and language similarities that we share. With the confidence of an established mega-brand, they opened a total of 90 cafes across the continent using their tried and tested business plan– which proved to be a disaster. Without fully understanding the Australian market and culture, the business quickly dried up and they were forced to close all but 20 cafes, which were later sold on.

Counter to this tale, a lesser known American coffee company called Gloria Jean’s Coffees has had incredible success down under. Established in Australia in 1996, the company succeeded because two Australians, who had sufficient knowledge of the local market, franchised the business, ensuring the business model was sufficiently “Australisanized” for their target market. Today, they have over 450 cafes throughout the continent.

Aside from capital, starting a business requires strategic planning, local knowledge and an established customer/client base. Having a team with proven experience opening new office branches in different cities across the world, we know that this is integral to MRG’s continued success.

With that in mind, we want to open in new territories by backing local talent and giving them the brand, model and framework to succeed.

We are looking to back established recruitment professionals with local knowledge and an entrepreneurial spirit, to become stakeholders in the MRG brand. Perhaps you are employed by a large recruitment business and want to be a leader – or maybe you’re self-employed but need a foundation to grow. We will give you the opportunity to lead a county and have a stake in that business.

We are focussing in particular at strategic targets; North America, Asia and mainland Europe. We are looking to invest in people; Recruitment experts in Real Estate, Property, and Infrastructure and make partnerships with local experts to expand your reach and ours.

We also have a keen interest in emerging markets such as the Middle East and South America. Essentially –if you have a strong pitch and a thirst to grow your own business, then we’d like to speak with you, wherever the location. Our board has a 15 year track record of establishing offices in countries all over the world, so I’m confident in the success of our future global growth.

If this sounds of interest to you then please get in touch –

Matthew Evans

Director of MRG International

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