What do you do at MRG?
I lead MRG’s public sector property business unit, overseeing senior appointments on behalf of local and central government, blue light services and charities. I also work with colleagues on surveying appointments in the NHS and Higher Education.
What are you most proud about that you have achieved in your career to date?
Two and half years ago I had the opportunity to launch a new business area at MRG, focussing on public sector property appointments. Whilst MRG has always worked within the wider public sector, this gave the opportunity for further growth in dedicated areas of the market. I’ve been fortunate to work with some incredible clients and candidates during this time, whilst developing market leading niches in estates leadership appointments in the Blue Light Sector and Diocesan property appointments.
How did you get into public-sector recruitment and why?
I came into recruitment from industry 7 years ago, with a background in property. When looking to make a move to a London based role, I had anticipated staying within the sector, however a conversation with the recruiter made me think about a career in recruitment. That recruiter put me in touch with MRG!
I initially joined the private sector team at MRG focussing on property and asset management appointments, before moving internally to further develop our offering in the public sector.
What energises you about working in this sector?
I’ve always had an interest in buildings and real estate, I wanted to be an architect growing up!
I’ve had the chance to work with great people who are rightly proud of the part that they play and impact that they have on the people around them, end users and often their own communities, towns and cities.
The way the public sector has had to evolve, and change is fascinating, particularly in relation to property and estates. This could be a blue light service creating a more efficient and performance enhancing estate, creating income through an investment portfolio at a local authority, or the considerable regeneration projects going on throughout the UK, often partnering with those in the private sector. This also creates great opportunity for the public sector to attract candidates from the private sector and to develop teams with a blend of backgrounds and experiences.
What’s the biggest thing that’s changed in recruitment since you started?
Over the years, the way candidates consume information has changed considerably, as well as there being much greater choice for them. It’s so important to present a compelling proposition to candidates, with full fact and detail alongside the opportunity for career development and enhancement – whilst looking at new ways of showcasing information.
What do you think the biggest misconception people have about you is?
I would say that people may perceive me to be quite serious, which isn’t often the case!
What’s one thing that most people don’t know about you?
I’m a netballer. I’ve been playing for 20 odd years and fairly recently left my club of 15 years after moving house. At one point I was commuting from London to Cambridge to see out the season…
What’s the best advice anyone has every given you?
“If it was easy, everyone would do it”.
Recruitment can be hugely challenging (yet incredibly rewarding!). It’s an important reminder to push through the challenges. It applies to so many scenarios outside of work too.
What three words would your colleagues use to describe you?
Thoughtful, professional and resilient.
And finally, who would play you in the movie about your life?
That’s a tough one. In hope, I’ll say Anne Hathaway – she’s brilliant.
Get in touch with Stephanie for an informal chat about how she can help you and your recruitment needs.