About KCL

Since its foundation almost 200 years ago, King’s College London has been central to the establishment of London as one of the world’s foremost centres of academic excellence. Situated in the heart of what, by any measure, is one of the world’s most dynamic and international cities, King’s benefits from being shoulder-to-shoulder with London’s great institutions. While King’s has a proud history, which has served the King’s family well for generations and made a profound contribution to modern life and society, King’s is neither captured nor defined only by its past. Indeed, King’s aspires to tackle global challenges and serve society in a way that is contemporary, forward-looking and unrestrained. 

KCL in Numbers

33000 +
students from over 150 countries around the world
alumni across the world
£ 273 m
annual research income
6 th
in the world for research ‘power’ 
35 th
ranked in the world
Nobel Laureates
24 th
in the world in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings
100 %
of the electricity purchase directly comes from UK wind energy

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How to Apply

If you would like to find out more about any of the opportunities we have at King’s College London, request a full job description, or have a discreet conversation, please contact Michael Hewlett.