MRG joins The Employers Network for Equality & Inclusion (ENEI)

The Management Recruitment Group is proud to announce that we have joined The Employers Network for Equality & Inclusion (ENEI).

They are the UK’s leading employer network covering all aspects of equality and inclusion issues in the workplace. Their services include:

  • Providing quality advice, benchmarking, training, events and services
  • Supporting employers to develop pragmatic and innovative solutions
  • Offering access to legal advice throughout the employment cycle
  • Delivering research led training and consultancy services
  • Publishing cutting-edge research and running engaging campaigns
  • Facilitating thought leadership to engage, lobby and influence key opinion formers

Michael Hewlett, Director of The Management Recruitment Group commented that ‘this is an exciting development for us to continue enhancing best practice. We are passionate about inclusion, diversity and equality within all aspects of the selection process. Our team have undertaken unconscious bias training and challenging bias runs through all our methodologies from initial advertising to longlist/shortlist and selection. We are fully committed to reducing barriers to entry’.

To find out more information, please contact our Equality and Diversity lead Sian Gardiner for more information on


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