Get to know… Adlin Azizan

What do you do at MRG?
I am a Recruitment Delivery Consultant in Malaysia. I will be supporting the Real Estate Development and Built Environment sectors.

What are you most proud about that you have achieved in your career to date?
My proudest moments as a recruiter would be having the opportunity to help others boost their career further and even changing lives since a job change is a huge step for some.

How did you get into recruitment and why?
I graduated with a degree in International Business, and Human Resource has been one of my interests since then. I then had the opportunity to explore recruitment during an internship, and it is what I became most passionate about.

What energises you about working in this sector?
I worked in the IT industry previously and I’m now working in Real Estate, which is a huge learning curve to begin with, but this is what excites me, learning about projects and people in depth.     

What’s the biggest thing that’s changed in recruitment since you started?
How everything is now done online since covid-19, it saves time and gives people the opportunity to work and take interviews wherever they are, but I do miss setting up interviews face to face and having that personal interaction.

What’s one thing that most people don’t know about you?
I loved doing sports like Rugby Touch, Softball, Bowling and Ping-Pong at school and I’m currently looking to start again.

What’s the best advice anyone has ever given you?
In anything we did our best in, there’s no such thing as failure, it is just redirection to the path that is meant for us.

What three words would your colleagues use to describe you?
Reliable, fast-learner and dedicated.

And finally, who would play you in the movie about your life?
Emma Stone

Get in touch with Adlin for an informal chat about how she can help you and your recruitment needs

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