Positions Appointed

Chief Engineering Officer

Senior Project Manager

Head of Engineering

Security Manager

Service Manager

Assistant Project Manager

About King's

Since its foundation almost 200 years ago, King’s College London has been central to the establishment of London as one of the world’s foremost centres of academic excellence.

Situated in the heart of what, by any measure, is one of the world’s most dynamic and international cities, King’s benefits from being shoulder-to-shoulder with London’s great institutions.

While King’s has a proud history, which has served the King’s family well for generations and made a profound contribution to modern life and society, King’s is neither captured nor defined only by its past. Indeed, King’s aspires to tackle global challenges and serve society in a way that is contemporary, forward-looking and unrestrained.

King's College London in numbers

Oldest university in England
84 %
Research at King's deemed 'world-leading' or 'internationally excellent'

The Campuses

King’s has five campuses in central London consisting of more than 100 buildings ranging in age from the 1780s to the current day. Many are listed and of great architectural significance. The campuses house a diversity of spaces, including teaching and learning environments, cutting-edge research facilities, two chapels, cafes and restaurants, gyms, and student residences. 

The Estates & Facilities team employs more than 800 people with a vast range of expertise and skills, operating and maintaining facilities and providing services to ensure King’s remains one of the world’s top universities. 

Vision 2029

King’s Directorate of Estates & Facilities is a key enabler of the university’s Strategic Vision 2029 and they have created a strategy that demonstrates their intent and sets out how the Estates & Facilities team will support the ambition of the university’s strategic vision. 

Their philosophy has been developed using the Guiding Principles outlined in Vision 2029; they have worked with the teams across the other support functions, with academic and research colleagues and their students so that they can ensure that the communities they serve are at the very heart of the directorate’s work. They know that everyone in King’s interacts with their physical assets and relies upon their service delivery.

Meeting their aims will not be without its challenges. Operating in central London means that King’s has some unique challenges ahead, with an ambition to grow student numbers and the level of research they undertake. This means they will need to make wise choices about where they focus their effort and resources. 

They will need to be clear about how they prioritise activity to ensure their decisions can support the overall purpose of King’s. They have a finite amount of space and resource and it is the team’s job to help King’s manage their assets well.